Founded by Mark McClure, Miami based GenX Hotel Capital (sister company to GenX Capital Partners ( was created to accomplish the most vital needs in the hotel financing sector; maximum leverage and speed. Period.

GenX Capital Partners ( has closed hundreds of millions of dollars in commercial real estate financing in various classes of assets and have done so by separating ourselves from the pack by closing quickly and driving leverage coupled with a quick decision making process. If you have a hotel acquisition or development that is time sensitive and/or needs to drive funding proceeds in order to close, GenX Hotel Capital could be the answer. Our investors are a handful of private equity funds and family offices who have a large bucket of capital to deploy for hospitality, with a decision making process that is efficient, streamlined and flexible. If we need to drive leverage to 90% and the deal structure and economics warrant it, than we make that structure work. No layers of committees and VP's to work through for decisions; our fund partners work with lean, highly efficient staffs and have the ability to structure deals that make sense rather than conform to massive commercial bank red tape.

Flexibility, leverage and speed to closing are our biggest assets and what separates us from everyone else.

    $10MM to $150MM (LTC/LTV, Rate and Terms deal dependent)

    $8MM to $50MM (Up to 95% of cap stack)

  • VALUE ADD ACQUISITIONS- GenX Capital Partners (parent of GenX Hotel Capital) is aggressively seeking out value add hospitality acquisitions from $10MM to $100MM. Our geopgraphical preferences are New England, East Coast US, Texas, Italy and South of France.  Our deals come with no financing contigencies.